Everyone knows her, and she will always come to your rescue, if only you ask.
You see her with her cape on and that immaculate smile, and your heart melts because within it you know everything will be alright.
She is the shoulder you can cry on and the one to tell a joke afterwards.
Her essence however, is hidden.
What you see of her is not all that she is, and she prefers it that way.
She'll be long gone, aiding another by the time you realize that you know nothing about her.
Who knows what makes her tick, or why the life she leads is so fulfilling.
She has the weight of the world on her shoulders and she carries it like a light backpack.
With smooth long strides she gravitates towards the ones that need her most.
She knows that you need her even when you don't.
She'll go through the fire for the good of the cause.
She's Superwoman, and its expected of her.
Wonder Woman:
They call her Wonder Woman because you wonder about her mystique and its a wonder she can do the things she does.
Its a wonder that just as your mind begins to wander, there she is to catch it and cradle your thoughts leaving you attached to the wonder that is the woman.
She thrives on the impossible, and knows that although she may not be able to make it possible she'll try her damnedest.
No, she won't come to your rescue when you want it, but you wonder how she manages to show up just as you need it.
She'll never grow tired of the surprise factor, and you'll never grow tired of the excitement.
She's not always the one you need, but she can make you feel better.
You'll keep coming back to ease the pain.
She's unexpected, unabridged, and unlikely.
But you like that.
You wonder at this woman, and she herself ponders at her limitations.
She's Wonder Woman.
And you wonder why.