Sunday, January 31, 2010

Superwoman vs. Wonder Woman

Everyone knows her, and she will always come to your rescue, if only you ask.
You see her with her cape on and that immaculate smile, and your heart melts because within it you know everything will be alright.
She is the shoulder you can cry on and the one to tell a joke afterwards.
Her essence however, is hidden.
What you see of her is not all that she is, and she prefers it that way.
She'll be long gone, aiding another by the time you realize that you know nothing about her.
Who knows what makes her tick, or why the life she leads is so fulfilling.
She has the weight of the world on her shoulders and she carries it like a light backpack.
With smooth long strides she gravitates towards the ones that need her most.
She knows that you need her even when you don't.
She'll go through the fire for the good of the cause.
She's Superwoman, and its expected of her.

Wonder Woman:
They call her Wonder Woman because you wonder about her mystique and its a wonder she can do the things she does.
Its a wonder that just as your mind begins to wander, there she is to catch it and cradle your thoughts leaving you attached to the wonder that is the woman.
She thrives on the impossible, and knows that although she may not be able to make it possible she'll try her damnedest.
No, she won't come to your rescue when you want it, but you wonder how she manages to show up just as you need it.
She'll never grow tired of the surprise factor, and you'll never grow tired of the excitement.
She's not always the one you need, but she can make you feel better.
You'll keep coming back to ease the pain.
She's unexpected, unabridged, and unlikely.
But you like that.
You wonder at this woman, and she herself ponders at her limitations.
She's Wonder Woman.
And you wonder why.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We Are A Family

Family. A word used excessively and guiltily. Why are we only family when you have a problem or need my help? Why aren't we family on good days when all is right with you?? If you bring drama and trouble into my life, I have to accept it because we're "family"?? I don't get it. My mother has always sheltered us from the "family" she grew up around because she didn't want us to sacrifice and suffer the way she did for that six-letter word. It means nothing if conditional. The four people who have always loved, cared for, accepted, understood, and respected me taught me this. I have no problem with the concept of family, and the love it brings. But only if its genuine. Family everyday no matter what the problem is or who is having it. Thats my fam(ily).

Monday, January 18, 2010


We run shit.
Like track stars underneath the friday night lights in a field of dreams.
Its our duty to make this look effortless...and we're good at it...admit it.
We prance around like we created cool, and your lives are highlighted by our grace, our precision, our style.
In our hearts we carry ambition and on our sleeves we carry labels.
With an impeccable record how else would you expect us to act?
Sauntering around on the ground you should be worshipping, we ooze confidence.
Heads to the sky like it would be painful to look you in the eyes.
We can't possibly be from around here...can we?
Of course not.
You can tell from the twinkle, as if we stole the stars just to dazzle you with eye contact.
We occupy our time expanding our minds and demanding the lime...
Light like the switch won't go off, cocky like we have it all to show off, smiling in your face just to piss you off.
We made the bar, and we set it so high, there's no use in reaching.
We are all-stars. And we don't lose.

(A special shout out to Colin Taylor for the photo.)

Friday, January 15, 2010


I can't help but feel like if I trust you, it still wouldn't be enough.
Trust wouldn't make you do the things you say you're going to do, nor would it put you in a position to trust me.
Trust wouldn't make this any better, trust would actually make it worse.
Trust is the fastest way to disappointment, and disappointment is a road I'd rather not travel.
To trust is to believe, wholeheartedly in another.
To trust is to be blind to the errors and follies of another.
To trust is to pretend all is well, when all is not.
If we decided to embark on this journey called Trust, the road would be long, the hills steep, the paths narrow, the predators vicious, and the end always just out of reach.
I wish it were as simple of saying I trust you and never meaning it.
I wish it were as simple as you make it seem, but I've danced this dance before and it feels as if I have two left feet.
It seems as if the beat is always a step ahead of the rhythm of my sway, and I'm tired of chasing it.
I wish most of all that my heart followed my head instead of the other way around.
If such were the case, trusting you would be the road less traveled, and I would know not what lies in it.
If such were the case, trusting you wouldn't be a battle I'd have to fight alone, I'd have logic and reason on my side.
If such were the case, I wouldn't have to explain why putting my trust in you is not what I want to do, I wouldn't have to.
But alas, here I am, fighting the urge to turn back because the future of this path is looking bleak, but at least I'm with you, and if I go back I'll be alone.
So we maintain this steady pace on the road to nowhere, and I follow you blindly...
I trust you.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Friend Zone

Hate it or Love it?

Totally depends on which side your on right?

For those who may be a bit unclear...the friend zone is somewhat complicated. On the positive side of the spectrum, you put someone in the friend zone who you really enjoy as just a friend, but then you find out they want more than that. In order to preserve the friendship you explain to them that you'd like to remain friends. They have just entered into the friend zone. This may be a tad awkward though, depending on how strong the friend bond is compared to how strong the other person's desire to demolish the friend zone is. If there is a true friendship, then the person may not like being in the friend zone, but they'll tolerate it because they enjoy your company, and if you tell them about your other relationships, they'll probably be hurt, but will ultimately want to see you happy. Ultimately they hope that one day you will realize the folly of your ways, and take them out of the friend zone. That may very well only be wishful thinking...

Now the negative end of the friend zone spectrum is being placed in the friend zone. Anyone who's ever experienced it knows that, for lack of a better phrase, it sucks. Its like having something you want dangling in front of your face, and being snatched away as soon as you grab for it. Crucial because you refuse to warm up the slot machine, then walk away and let someone else win your jackpot, and pitiful because who wants to wait around for happiness to possibly knock on the door? And its especially terrible when you wait and wait for the opportune time to tell them, and your hoping more than anything that they feel the same way. Only to be rejected by the friend card. Its like standing in line at the club for hours and just as you get close to the door the party is shut down. How is one to move past the friend zone without being too pushy? How is one to stay in the friend zone and stay sane?

When the friend zone goes wrong...
You say "I really only see you as a friend..."
They say "just friends?"
And the awkwardness begins. The friendship soon will fizzle out, and what you thought was a true friendship was in fact nothing of the sort. This alternative is a lose-lose situation for both parties, and I feel for all involved. No fun. strand of the friend zone. I'll call it illegal use of the friend zone. Now I won't say I'm not guilty of it, I think a lot of us are. When you use the friend zone as an excuse to stop unwanted advances, knowing full well you and the person weren't friends before and probably will never be friends. This is just misuse of the entire concept. The friend zone is not to be taken lightly. People can get hurt.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Silence what we ask for when the truth is unbearable.
When we don't want to know what we need to know, and we'd like to fall back on our "ignorance is bliss" pillow...

"Its a shame we don't talk anymore" is how he opens the conversation, leaving her stumped. How is she to tell him that the reason they lost touch is because his touch, lost its magic. She decides to remain silent, in hopes that her silence saves his feelings. He becomes inquisitive..."what happened to us?" Again, no reply. "Why aren't you talking? What's wrong?" he demands.

She'll try to gather the courage to tell him that nothing is wrong. That for once, everything is right. And that she wouldn't go back to the way it was for all the gold in the China. She'll try to be delicate and tender, to be thoughtful and sensitive. But she knows that once she begins to speak, there is no censorship. So she remains silent.

And he remains blind. One day he'll figure it out...
One day he'll realize that what he wants doesn't determine the lives of the people who surround him. And that when he decides to have his cake and eat it too, he decides in selfish ignorance and disregard for the feelings of others. One day he'll realize that he had a jewel, but hid it from the world, so it couldn't shine. One day he'll remember the day they met, and the look in her eyes that told him everything he needed to know before formal introductions. One day, he'll realize he lost one, and that day will be etched in his mind forever as the day he had an epiphany. That day he'll realize that it mattered...

That her silence spoke volumes...but by will be too late...

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The New Year

My Resolutions:
1. Get in Shape.
2. Stay in Shape.
3. Switch up the Swagg.
4. Read More.

Ok so the first two are something that I used to do, but don't anymore. Its about that time, I'm a big kid now. As far as switching up the Swagg goes, lowkey I don't want to unveil it in the blog. But when you see me you'll notice the difference. I'm just using the New Year as an excuse though. I've been wanting to switch up the steez for a while now. The last one is something that I love to do and don't as much as I'd like to. So yes, a bookworm is afoot.
This one's kind of short but ok...