Monday, December 14, 2009

Toll House Chocolate Morsels

So, I've definitely never blogged before, but I figured now is as good a time as any to start.  A friend of mine (go Jeffie!) has a blog, and I read it, only to be inspired.  Who knows if this will be short-lived or not, because truth be told, my ability to commit is shabby to say the least.  But I guess if I have something to say (which I always do), I should say it.  Write it probably because no one wants to hear my gums flap all day.  

I'm not sure what topic to choose for this first blog, so I'll just say whatever comes to mind.  Almost like stream of consciousness, or something like that.  Ok so, I live in Vegas (whoo-hoo Sin City).  I work at a movie theater, and everyday I see interracial couples.  Now I have never personally agreed with these couples, but on the same token, every bread has its butter, and if it makes you happy, more power to you.  However, I now attend a Historically Black College, and for the past like three months I have been submerged in all things black so to speak.  So I get back to work, and I see these smiling and happy interracial duos, and immediately I am taken aback.  
Now I must examine.  Firstly, why do I oppose interracial dating?  Well I could say its because of the history of whites and blacks in America, and the fact that a few decades ago a black man could be killed for being with a white woman.  Or I could argue that from a female's prospective they are "taking all of our men".  None of these reasons are plausible to me anymore because it isn't decades ago, its today, and I don't really care about the guys dating the white women, its obviously a preference.  I could argue that its my upbringing because honestly my mother is Pan-African and would never allow interracial itemhood in her family.  Thats not it either because as much as my mother talks, I find it hard to believe that if I was dating a white man she'd totally disown me (I may be wrong though lol).  But even so, I would have to adopt the idea that if she can't love me in spite of it, she never really loved me that much at all.  How sad huh?
At this point, I can't say why I disagree with interracial dating, but I just know it rubs me the wrong way.  I also know Im not the only one who feels this way.  Now I have nothing against people of other races, but I feel like we should all just color inside of our lines.  Wrong? Maybe, but aren't we all wrong?  It may not be right, but its possible for me to feel a certain way without rationalization.  I tried to rationalize, but it didn't go over so well.  
Now, about my friends.  Some of them are totally in agreement with me about the interracial dating, whereas others feel like they shouldn't discriminate.  But what if its not you who's discriminating, what if its them?  I had this one friend who would repeatedly fall for guys of a different race, and get rejected.  Now Im not sure if they just weren't attracted to her, or if they weren't the type to date outside of their race.  Whatever the case may be, I had to continually come to her aid, and revive her self-esteem when she learned of their disinterest in her.  I initially chalked her up as being stupid, then I thought about it.  She may just genuinely be attracted to guys of opposite races.  Is it fair for me to judge her for that?  She was my friend regardless, and if I liked something she didn't it wouldn't be right for her to judge me.  
I could honestly go on for days, but the fact of the matter is, I try not to be one to judge, yet when the interracial topic would come up, I'd allow myself exceptions.  And thats fraudulent.  Either I'm a judgmental close-minded woman who has visions of right and wrong, and will never stray, or I'm the person I'd rather be.  Accepting of whoever and having respect for them for being the people they are with no fears.  I choose the latter, and I am a better person for it...I think. 

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