Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We Are A Family

Family. A word used excessively and guiltily. Why are we only family when you have a problem or need my help? Why aren't we family on good days when all is right with you?? If you bring drama and trouble into my life, I have to accept it because we're "family"?? I don't get it. My mother has always sheltered us from the "family" she grew up around because she didn't want us to sacrifice and suffer the way she did for that six-letter word. It means nothing if conditional. The four people who have always loved, cared for, accepted, understood, and respected me taught me this. I have no problem with the concept of family, and the love it brings. But only if its genuine. Family everyday no matter what the problem is or who is having it. Thats my fam(ily).

1 comment:

  1. BRAVO!! I often feel like my true friends are more of family than my real family
